Tuesday, January 19, 2010


It was a tragedy fell on the Gloomy Sunday.
No one wish this happen but it happened.
I never meet them , doesn't mean they're not exist.
I keep myself update with all the news bout this incident.
Sadly , what I see , what I heard , is all about Death.

Facebook, now, is full of Mourning Group ;
I clicked every single page of the profiles.
My heart soared.
They are all my Junior !
I'm really speechless and keep myself calm.
Who will responsible for this incident , No one knows.
God knows.
May God bless you all.

I would like to say thank you to whoever I never said Thank you to ;
I would like to say sorry to whoever I made them sad ;
Life's short ,
We know.
Cherish every single moment with your love ones.

