Thursday, April 23, 2009

Progress to. .

Might be going to Form 6 as the economy collapse !
I really got no idea dee !
Don't want to put a huge burden on my dad anymore !
Give it as a Try.
Hope that I can cope it !

Friday, April 17, 2009


I sick of it.
Thanks for Joo Huei.
She reminded me to post bout TOPSHOP AND TOPMAN !
It's like hell working at there.
It's suck to the max.
Have to wear their BRAND ONLY !
What the F !
We're just working as part timer.
Haven't got our salary then we have to purchase items from the shop ?
What the hell !
Instead of that !
The A* , Manager !
Really OMG !
I did intro customers bout our new items and also our promotion.
And some of them bought and some do not.
Do you like promoter keep on buggin' beside you while you're looking for stuffs that you wanna buy ?
Customers got MOUTH wan right ?
They will ask from you when they need to find something right ?
She insists me to PUSH PUSH PUSH !
As in what you know ?
Keep on buggin' beside CUSTOMERS !
That's freaking me out !
That's why I made my own decision to study than working at that SHOP !

Friday, April 10, 2009


I'm trying to escape !
I don't wanna be moody everyday !
Life without you is so dull !
Reminiscing all the memories !
I'm fret bout you okay.
Cause you're still fresh at there !
You might be lost or something !
You made me feel so bad !
Tired !

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Day

- I'm not having a good mood today !
- Feeling lost !
- I miss her !


總覺得老天爺總愛開人玩笑 ,
好不容易才相處了兩年 ,
不是禁不起考驗 ,
而是少了一個人在身邊 ,
擁有再好的東西都不會覺得那是最棒的 。
少了妳在身邊嘮叨 ,
是不是每當遇到瓶頸 ,
人才會學習珍惜呢 ?
為什麼人就是那麼矛盾 ,
在還沒有失去之前都不會珍惜 ,
就要失去了 ,
才去想辦法彌補她想要的一切呢 ?
我就這樣活生生地被寂寞給抽走了 ,
想也沒想過會有那麼一天 。
今天的目的只有一個 ,
只想在妳走之前 ,
送上那一丁點問候 ,然後默默離去…
但是卻不了了之 。
低聲呻吟 ,
心疼 ,
這一種痛就像某某狠狠地在妳傷口上灑鹽 ,
痛上加痛 !
在妳關上門之後 ,上了車 ,
本以為我可以倔強地對自己說 ,‘ 沒事的 ,只不過去念書而已 。 ’
踩快門 ,希望我可以儘早回到家 ,
途中 ,我腦海裡出現的畫面都是妳我在一起的畫面 。
我不想每天通過那冷冰冰的手機和妳對話 ,
多麼地希望時間停留在我們在一起的那一刻 。
寫著寫著 ,時間過得好快 。
不寫了 ,明天還要工作呢 !

         我想妳 ,我愛妳!